samedi 18 décembre 2010

If I sleep what will I dream of this time?

Alright alright,
So as I said earlier I'm a student in film and I hope to be one day, a director or a script writer. I directed a film in High School, it was sort of experimental and everyone thought it was weird except my mother probably. I think the main problem was that it did not support a narrative at all, there was no story, it was just visual. Nonetheless, I'm proud of it and again I had a lot of fun doing it, my friends were really into it except for the makeup removal part which was nearly impossible. It was inspired by Sartre's "Hell is other people" and the Metamorphoses by Ovid ( only some excerpts though ) I'll try to upload it eventually! Here's a shot..

I also wrote a short story that you may read here ( my friend's blog ). It's very gothic i think. I had to write it for school but the big idea is to re-adapt it into a short film one day, soon.. The story's title is The Second Death, if it were a film I guess its poster would look like this:

the main character would of course be the statuesque Marcello Mastroianni ( I wrote the whole story with him in mind) :

The death scene would be inspired by this painting (Sir John Everett Millais in 1852, Ophelia)

and then I would be rich and live there:

and be married to Matt Dillon or Joaquin Phoenix. ahh .. In the Meantime I have to take my little brother to karate class so I'll leave you with a very short excerpt from my short story!

As I walk through the ceaseless brume I remember words in the bible like “judgment”, “lake of fire” and “damned”. I recall running, standing, crying over rotten regrets. I recall paradise, hell, paintings and drawings. I meander aimlessly like a twisted vagabond until I finally stumble upon a corpse. The corpse rests on dense grass. Its skin is lush and almost lavender colored. It’s my lover. I can finally see her angelic face and her abysmal eyes stare right to me. Last time I saw her she was sitting on this rock but it appears that the rock now sits on her.

That's Heidi Montag trying to audition for the role.. pff .
I can't make too much fun of her though because I use to watch The Hills but only because it was so awfully stupid, ( isn't that what everyone says?)


3 commentaires:

lul a dit…

hahaha GENIUS BABY, j'adore le poster que t'as fait pour le film, la photo de Edie est juste parfaite parce-que meme si les gens la connaissent elle est pas si reconnaissable que ca et ca donne un peu d' anonymat cool a la vie si tu vois ce que je veux dire. Des que tu regardes le poster t'es pas comme "OH MY GOD THAT'S EDIE" , know what I mean?? bref, a part ca, ok, les trucs d' inspiration sont GENIAUX litteralement et le tableau de Everett Millais me fait trop penser a la scene dans The Hours, ou l' autre Virginia Woolf se noie. Ah oui et le truc de Heidi Montag est juste priceless! Jvais aller te parler sur facebook maintenant!

Esther a dit…

hey babe thanks for much for commenting :) your blog is amazing too :) and great post! keep it up!! :D and thanks for following too :D im your new follower now! :D xxx <3

Suciô Sanchez a dit…

Which parts of Metamorphoses did you use? Persephone perhaps?

I thought "Montag" was a brand of washing machine.